Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother

Recently (by recently I mean well over a month ago), I picked up Amy Chua’s controversial book called “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother”.  Sadly, I still haven’t had a chance to read it.  It’s an easy read, but I haven’t had much time to write entries on this blog so reading was lowered on my priority list.  I am interested to know what others are thinking about Chua’s parenting style.   So if anyone’s read it or heard about it drop me a message.

Chicken Arroz Caldo

I began serving this Filipino congee to my daughter at about 12 months.  She could have eaten it a couple months earlier.  If you find the consistency too thick for your baby, add a little more water.  If you’re child is still having trouble, run it through the blender to smooth it out a bit.  (Obviously, not the drumstick, but at 12 months some parents are still sleep deprived especially if they have more than one child).


  • 1 1/2 lbs chicken cut into small piece (I prefer drumsticks)
  • 3 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • 2 – 3 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 medium-sized yellow onion, finely sliced
  • 1 tspn. fresh ginger (sliced)
  • 6 – 7 cups water
  • 1 cups uncooked rice
  • 1/4 cup chopped scallion for garnish
  • 2 tbsp. patis (fish sauce) to taste
  • 1/4 tspn. freshly ground pepper


In a large non-stick soup pot over medium heat, sautee garlic in oil until lightly brown. Add onion until transparent and then add ginger.  Stir for one minute. Add chicken and patis.  Let this simmer for approximately 5 minutes. Add water, and bring it to a boil. Let it cook for 10 minutes. And rice and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes or until rice and chicken are tender — stir constantly to prevent sticking. If rice soup becomes too thick, add water to thin it out a bit.  Stir in a small amount of scallions and pepper. Serve hot.  Garnish individual bowls with scallions just before serving.   

I usually squeeze a little lemon before diving into my bowl of chicken arroz caldo.

6 – 8 Servings.

Be Careful What You Say and Do

In the past couple of weeks, Sophia has reminded us to be careful what we say and, of course, what we do. 

Sophia has been immitating us for quite some time now.  She definitely pays close attention to what we do.  I watch how she accidentally spills her drink and runs to get a paper towel to wipe up her mess, which is something she’s seen us do a million times.  I see how she plays with toys and puts things back where they belong.  One thing I do enjoy is watching her pick up something off the floor and throw it out in the garbage can.  (This could be a problem.  The last thing we need is for her to accidentally throw out our bills).

Last week, as we rode the elevator up to our floor, Sophia said, “Good night” to a neighbor who got off before us.  Joe and I realized that was the first time she said the words “Good night”.  We were impressed she knew exactly when to use the phrase.  On a separate occasion, Sophia, Joe and I were sitting in the living room.  Sophia ran off and didn’t come back.  Joe hollered over to her and asked, “Sophia, what are you doing?”.  We spotted her standing on the other end of the room feet spread hip distance apart with her knees slightly bent but not completely squatting.  She responded to Joe by saying “I am shitting!” in a tone where she clearly didn’t want to be bothered.  (I wonder where she got that).

Sophia’s mind really is a sponge at this age, and she can soak up pretty much anything we teach her.  The thing that I find so interesting is Sophia’s ability to take something we have said, file it away in her memory cabinet and use it when she sees the opportunity.  We are truly enjoying this stage as it has provides us with lots of laughs.

Jurlique’s Lavender Hand Cream

From dishes to diaper changes, I can’t tell you how many times I wash my hands everyday. To relieve dry skin, I purchased Jurlique’s Lavender Hand Cream, which has worked wonders on my hands.

A Race to Nowhere

As parents, we want what’s best for our children, but sometimes along the way the idea of what’s best gets lost as our children compete in the race to nowhere. The “Race to Nowhere” is a documentary which draws awareness to our school system’s failure to prepare our children for their future.  I encourage all parents and educators to check out this film.   


Week 2: Update on My Weight Loss Progress

I must report that this was definitely a terrible week.  Joe was away for the second half of the week (and the first half he was preparing for his business trip) so I was on baby duty, which means no gym time for this mom.  On the upside, I purchased a heart rate monitor on Amazon, and I can’t wait until it arrives.  Hopefully, next week, I will have positive work-out related info to share.

Sophia’s First Downward Dog

Here’s yogini Sophia in her first downward dog.  Also, she chants “Moo” (it’s “OM” backwards, she’s 18 months give her a break) to calm and still her mind. 

February 2011 Sassy Mom of the Month: Reese Whitherspoon

I borrowed this pic from

Recently engaged to Hollywood agent Jim Toth, the “Water for Elephants” star, Reese Whitherspoon, has two kids with ex-husband, Ryan Philippe.  On, Reese says, “My children are the best part of my day”.  I couldn’t agree more, Reese.  She went on to say, “I used to be very competitive and aggressive but when I had my first child at 22, it put my whole life in perspective and helped me get out of my very narrow-minded focus on my career. Having kids stops the endless cycle of self-obsession”.  I can’t start my day without saying good-bye to Sophia.  When the work day is over, I run out the door at 5 pm sharp just to sneak in some time with my daughter before bedtime.  Living like this has definitely taken a toll on my career, but the extra hours behind the desk at work pails in comparison to time spent with Sophia.